We have a handful of products that cannot be sent by post - either the item is classed as ‘prohibited’ or the dimensions makes it impractical. In the past we have sold these via the bricks & mortar shop, at shows and events or from the van on its travels around the country.
These are now offered as Collection Only.
These ranges are listed on the following pages with their CLEARANCE prices but they cannot be ordered via the website. Please phone or email to order and to arrange collection.

Aerosols (other than those for toiletry or medicinal purposes) CANNOT be sent by post

Solvents & Flammables
Anything solvent based, or classed as flammable, or with alcohol content over 70% CANNOT be sent by post

Larger Items
Items such as larger portfolios cannot be sent by Royal Mail. They may be sent by courier but at a higher cost.

Volume Stock
We may be able to offer end-of-line ranges in totality as well as display units as they become available.