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 The framing service was
available as a Drop-In
Service on Saturdays.
However, d
ue to the
Coronovirus outbreak
this service has been
cancelled until
further notice.

Please contact Kendals
directly for your
framing requirements

Framing Services include:

Framing and mounting
Dry mounting
Box frames
Re-squaring needlework
Canvas stretching


Our Framing Service was offered through Kendals of Newnham, nr Baldock, but even though our shop doors have been closed to casual callers since Covid and our framing service has therefore been suspended, Kendals continue to be our recommended framer.

Established in 1982, Kendals are specialists in upholstery, furniture repair & polishing as well as framing. Each area is undertaken by experienced craftsmen using traditional skills. As well as their expertise they also offer a huge range of mounts, frames and finishes.   

Kendalls is able to frame anything from prints, paintings, three dimensional memorabilia to treasured garments and all forms of textiles. Kendals can also make textile pieces into hangings, cushions & stool covers.

Tel: 01462 682000

